Have you been feeling ill? You don’t think it’s a specific sickness, and maybe you’ve already been to your doctor to talk about it. There’s nothing they can do for. What can you do about this lack of energy and general malaise? What can you do when you’re feeling unhealthy?
Maybe you should see the dentist.
There are many things a dentist can do to help improve your overall energy and mood.
Free Your Body’s Resources
Do you know how a cold can sap your energy? Well, what if you had a cold all the time and you didn’t realize it? That’s the situation you’re facing when you have gum disease. Gum disease is a chronic bacterial infection that your body is constantly striving to fight off.
Fighting gum disease does more than sap your body’s energy, too. It can make you more vulnerable to other infections. And the state of chronic inflammation can even trigger autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis in which your body begins attacking your joints.
But treating gum disease can free your body’s resources, helping you to have more energy. It can also reduce your tendency to get every sniffle and cough going around the office or brought home by your kids. That can help you have a more positive sense of your overall health.
Improve Diabetes
Another benefit of fighting gum disease is that it can make it easier to control your blood sugar if you have diabetes. Gum disease can make it harder for you to control your blood sugar, and when you’re not properly controlling your blood sugar, diabetes can really sap your energy.
But treating gum disease, combined with proper control of your blood sugar can reduce the impact of diabetes on your overall sense of wellbeing.
Sleep Apnea Screening and Treatment
Do you feel tired through the day? Do you want to go to sleep in the middle of the afternoon? Have you lost interest in the things you used to enjoy? Are you feeling depressed? If this describes your symptoms, the culprit behind your feelings of poor health could be sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is when your breathing stops while you’re sleeping. You are forced to wake up to start your body breathing again. This can happen hundreds of times a night. Needless to say, you’re not actually getting much sleep overnight.
We can help you get tested for sleep apnea and get you a sleep apnea treatment that’s more comfortable and convenient than the CPAP you might be prescribed by a doctor.
TMJ Diagnosis and Treatment
Maybe your general sense of poor health comes from jaw pain, recurring headaches, poor sleep, damaged teeth, neck pain, earaches, tingling in the hands and fingers, and more . . . If that’s the case, it might very well be TMJ that is at the root of your problems.
TMJ treatment can resolve a wide range of symptoms. You’ll get rid of your TMJ symptoms, which can go a long way toward helping you feel healthier.
More Nutritious Eating
Just eating the right foods can go a long way toward helping you feel healthier. But it’s hard to eat healthy when your teeth are bothering you. Instead of crunchy, nutritious vegetables, you’re more likely to favor soft processed foods. Eating too many of these foods packed with salt and sugar can give your body a rush and crash cycle, contribute to obesity, chronic inflammation, and high blood pressure, all of which can make you feel terrible.
Your dentist can restore your teeth so that they’re fit for eating the nutritious foods that can make you feel much better.
And a Beautiful Smile
You might wonder what the appearance of your smile has to do with your health. Besides all the important points above, it’s good to remember that your mood matters for your health. Being able to smile regularly and comfortably can help boost your mood and give you feel like you’re in better health.
Besides, your smile is something you see every day in the mirror. When that smile is full of damaged, decayed, or worn teeth, it can give you a negative self-image about your health. On the other hand, when your teeth are in good health and attractive, you will perceive your overall health very differently.
Are you tired of feeling unhealthy? Now’s the time to do something to help yourself feel healthier and happier. Please call (914) 526-2144 for a dentist in Westchester County at Advanced Dentistry of Mohegan Lake.